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The FAQs aim to provide relevant and general information about our customers' concerns.
They do not constitute legal advice, nor do they dispense consulting the applicable legal text.
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The irradiation of products is a process in which the energy of ionizing radiation is used to obtain specific biological, chemical and/or physical effects on the materials.
The products are not radioactive after being treated. Gamma radiation emitted by Cobalt 60 sources, used in the radio-sterilization process it does not have enough energy to induce radioactivity in sterile materials or the packaging containing them.
The control of the maximum and minimum radiation doses received by the products to be irradiated is carried out through the use of routine dosimeters placed in the boxes, in the places referred to those doses. The identification of these sites results from the initial dose mapping studied.
No, the product is treated in its final packaging, given the penetrating power of gamma rays. Handling is limited to the insertion of dosimeters to control the absorbed dose.
The radio-sterilization process of products and materials does not create any risk to public health. However, the irradiation of food products is subject to some restrictions in some countries. These are related to chemical changes in some of its constituents, and in many cases it is not known whether they are harmful to health or not.
The radiation technology used in the radio-sterilization of products and materials does not constitute an environmental risk. This technology does not produce radioactive waste and the facility's external radiation field cannot exceed the limits set by law, which is periodically controlled by competent authorities, as well as have internal procedures related to that control.
The process is safe for workers and the population, as the technical and radiological safety requirements are very demanding. At the facility, operation and personnel are licensed by competent authorities, and must continually ensure control of security conditions.